Hong Kong Protest Prediction Sept 2019 to 2020


On the night of the 2nd of September 2019, I ask about the Protests in Hong Kong. Its been 3 months since protests broke out in HK and is continuing.  Will it get worse? And what will be the eventual outcome?

From an overall prospective I feel there will be more protests and an emphasis to female protesters (or female figures) causing a stir or standing out in some way. There is emphasis to the livelihood of women protesting and sexual violence.. There is also a great reference to UK interjection as there were quite a few UK symbols as well as a very strong symbol representing an emphasis in the near future to the Sino-British Joint Declaration. I feel that China, it seems from the eyes of other powers around the world, violated this agreement and cards show this as a serious offence that will not be treated lightly. China says this is not our business however when you have violated a very serious international agreement and millions of your people are protesting against you - it is everyone's business.

The first image shows a women protesting in a crowd at night time, a women protesting standing out in a crowd, or an emphasis to women protesting. It seems there is an emphasis to the participation of women in this rebellion. This image is paired with the american dollar bill, so I wonder considering such an unusual arrangement, how this fits in the scheme of things?

(Judging from the combination of these images coming out together at the same time, one might feel America is funding these protests  However I do not believe this to be the case! The reason why I do not feel America is funding these protests is because if they were, there would be other images coming out confirming big money being spent. For example in my pack of 500 cards, there are images showing bundles and bundles of cash and pictures of huge amounts cash pictured in the bank, as well as black money and payment cards - NONE of these images came out!! Only ONE US dollar Bill! Symbolically what this image represents is the 'bill' the Extradition Bill! Protestors are or may look to the US for support!)

Perhaps the protesters are seeking or wanting financial support from foreigners abroad? It makes sense why we see protesters holding up the airport, in order to get their attention.

The women protesting (or a women protesting) are surrounded by an 'emotional loss'. Perhaps there is an incident around women or a women, later in the future which could stand out in some way? A concern for the female gender in this protest.

The American dollar bill symbolically it seems takes an accelerated motion in some way or people (protesters) look up to America in some way like stars in the sky, for hope and support.

I've also got an emphasis to the red uniform ('red coats' traditional military British uniform) of the British military paired with the image of parliament, this symbolism could mean more military action from China however because this is the British military uniform paired with the image of parliament, this is a warning to China that the UK does uphold its values and international legally binding agreement, and if they feel that the agreement has been  violated (one country, two systems) it seems to me from the cards drawn here that the English may NOT hold back! There could be interjection from them. It is also a warning of military intervention or threats from overseas.

Next we have the happiness bride (and family) paired with the quick squirrel that has the power of a lion, these images suggest that peace may be restored quickly or near future, after legal or parliamentarian action taken place, however because we have the happiness bride which is the image of a UK royal, it means this type of parliamentarian or legal action could have strong ties to the UK and not just China. There could be more threats from UK or international influences that make this happen.

We also have the ladies reproductive organs 'suffering in silence' paired with surveilliance videos. This suggest again female protestors suffering some way, it is suggestive of rape and I did see in the media, not sure how true this is, of female protestors being raped by police! China needs to be careful of what is caught on camera as it is very exposing. Carrie Lam then said that she does not want to reprimand police officers as this may affect their work. I'm not sure whether the rape is true, but from the cards, I believe the rape is true. The cards warn Carrie Lam, that she should look into rape and assaults made to female protesters more seriously as it seems the rape allegations are true. 

Again we have an emphasis to a book and what is written on paper paired with a very heavy gilted English painting from 500 years ago that represents 'ancestors'. This to me symbolises the Sino-British Joint Declaration. I do not feel that UK will treat it lightly, if they find that this agreement has been violated in some way. The agreement was a promise and a promise to the people. It was a very very serious international agreement. The cards show the importance of this agreement and its influence in the future should UK find it was breached.

Lastly we have a young brunette doing well for herself (material harvest) paired with the classroom (patience and planning) with 2 strong pillars. I feel overall, when legalities are dealt with and matters relating to the Sino-British Joint Declaration are challenged (law and parliament) are dealt with, only then I feel the people, especially the young people will be able to move forward. There is also emphasis to  young people or people in HK moving to a place or country that has a desert (Australia) or with alot of dry mainland and we also have at the very end an image of the whole world and a New Beginning. There is a rush for young people to leave HK and go to other places around the world perhaps?

The cards reveal that this event in history is the start of something much bigger and what ever that is remains to be seen and I cannot see whether it is something good or bad. Lets hope it isn't WWIII

Overall there were by far, many British influences in these cards, and I feel China might not get what they want because of the international influence, its too strong - this draw contained no oriental pictures! Only a UK Royal, a UK British Uniform from colonial times, a US dollar bill, a traditional English gilded painting, even the animal that came out (the squirrel) was from England! It really does point strongly to the Sino-British Joint Declaration which was lodged with the United Nations and was valid till 2049. For China to say that this document now was just historical, not valid anymore, to me means that they have become dangerous in their thinking and need to re-think their position in the world and consider the importance of international law. They are not above it.

By Amanda (2nd of September 2019)

I can be emailed at 360degreestarot@gmail.com

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